Chino Hills -based CA public charity corporation, Waraynon Initiative Network (WIN), launched the Masks Initiative this week to respond to the growing shortage of personal protective equipment. WIN is committed to support healthcare workers so they are best equipped to care for the various communities in the midst of this progressing pandemic. —Masks were delivered today to St Edna Sub-Acute and Rehabilitation Center in Santa Ana, CA.
—From: Guerrero, Fay – St. Edna Subacute & Rehab Cent <>
Date: Tuesday, Apr 21, 2020, 12:24 PMTo: Agner, Maria <>
Subject: Thank You WIN
Dear Dr. Agner,On behalf of the St. Edna staff, Please extend our gratitude to the generous donation of masks from W.I.N.
WE appreciate the support during this challenging times.
Fay Guerrero, RNDirector of Nursing Services
St. Edna Sub Acute and Rehabilitation Center

The balance of life is in two hands. One hand to take, and the other hand to give. – Unknown