Waraynon Initiative Network,Inc.(WIN) is honored and humbled to receive the prestigious Presidential Citation from the Rotary Club, RC Kandaya Tacloban , during its induction & turnover ceremonies in Tacloban City on July 5, 2019.
“The duty of a good cuisinier is to transmit to the next generation everything he has learned.” Fernand Point 1897-1955 (French chef and restaurateur, father of modern French cuisine) *****
Day #5: the breadWINner project
•Hot Kitchen Savory Cooking• w/ Chef Derrick & Chef Manly
CULINARY TRAINING. Participants learn the art of cooking through a culinary training organized by the Waraynon Initiative Network (WIN),
a non-profit public benefit corporation based in Southern California. The free nine-day basic culinary skills training program will conclude on July 10.
(Photo courtesy of An Waray Party-list)
TACLOBAN CITY — Starting Tuesday, about 30 city residents will get the chance to hone their culinary skills through a nine-day training.
Dubbed “Breadwinner project”, it is a job-skill training program where trainees will be instructed in the culinary arts by skilled professionals.
The training is organized by the Waraynon Initiative Network (WIN), a non-profit public benefit corporation based in California and local partners in this city.
Derick Anido, project director and WIN’s corporate auditor said on Tuesday the program will run for nine days where volunteer chef trainers impart basic
culinary skills related to kitchen meal preparation, pastry making, and bread making.
The overall objective of the project, according to Anido, is to meet the growing demand for a skilled workforce through job skills training for the people of Tacloban or even the whole region.
The activity is in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Kandaya -Tacloban, Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry-Leyte-Tacloban Inc., ACLC College, Carbert Marketing-Tacloban,
and An Waray Party-list.
Neil Colinayo, WIN’s chairman of the board said their group has gathered a team of culinary professionals such as Manly Bayona, Richiel Marie Mendoza Canares,
Sherry Go and Angie Arinto Pariña who volunteered to go beyond the kitchen and offer their expertise to train a group of pre-screened participants.
The free nine-day basic culinary skills training program will conclude on July 10.
At the culmination of the training, participants will present a showcase of their work to local restaurateurs through the local chapter of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce
and Industry, who could potentially employ them on the spot.
WIN aims to preserve and promote Philippine heritage through the performing arts. Their mission is to develop, train and enhance artistic talents and channel these talents to help others.
The group is optimistic that the training will open opportunities for participants through employment here and abroad. (PNA)
An egg-citing day of Baking 101 brought to you by Waraynon Initiative Network, ACLC College- Tacloban, RC Kandaya Tacloban, Leyte Chamber of Commerce – Tacloban, Petron-Gasul/Carbert Marketing and An Waray Party-List.
~ “Let’s bake the world a better place one cake at a time” ~
Some only dream of cake, WIN bakes it happen with Pastry Chef Sherry Go.
Day #1: the breadWINner project of Waraynon Initiative Network (WIN) of Southern California, USA happening right now at the ACLC College , Tacloban City in collaboration with ACLC College -Tacloban, Rotary Club Kandaya -Tacloban, Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc. Tacloban-Leyte, Petron Gasul and An Waray Party-List.
WARAYNON INITIATIVE NETWORK (WIN) and its project partners, the Rotary Club of Kandaya -Tacloban, Philippine Chamber of Commerce & Industry- Leyte-Tacloban Inc., ACLC College, Petron Gasul (Carbert Marketing – Tacloban) and the An Waray Party-List, MEET THE PRESS on June 28, 2019 at Federico’s Bistro – Tacloban to formally introduce “the breadWINner project”.
“Empowering the community with sustainable livelihood skills”
During the inception of our organization, we committed to channel our musical artistry, among other things, to help develop sustainable livelihood skills for the local communities in Region 8 in the Philippines. Five years later, after careful, thoughtful and strategic project planning, Waraynon Initiative Network (WIN) is ready and excited to launch “the breadWINner project” in July, 2019.
“give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. “ – Lao Tzu In collaboration with the Rotary Club of Kandaya -Tacloban, Philippine Chamber of Commerce & Industry- Leyte-Tacloban Inc., ACLC College, Petron Gasul (Carbert Marketing – Tacloban) and the An Waray Party-List, we will fulfill our promise to empower the local communities with sustainable livelihood skills. Project Director and WIN’s Corporate Auditor, Derrick Anido, has gathered a team of culinary professionals (Manly Bayona, Richiel Marie Mendoza Canares, Sherry Go and Angie Arinto Pariña) who have volunteered to go beyond the kitchen and offer their expertise to train a group of pre-screened participants during a FREE 9-day basic culinary skills training program. At the culmination of the training, the participants will present a showcase of their work to local restaurateurs through the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Tacloban who could potentially employ them on the spot. We are extremely grateful to our project partners – ACLC College -Tacloban, An Waray Party-List, Petron-Gasul (Carbert Marketing – Tacloban), Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Tacloban and the Rotary Club of Kandaya; and of course to the chef trainors for this collaborative venture.