WIN goes where the WINter WINd blows: “The Feed The Hungry Project”.

Thinking outside the box. WIN goes where the WINter WINd blows.
December 26, 2023. It was the morning after Christmas, but the
giving did not stop.

Waraynon Initiative Network (WIN) collaborated with the Blessed
Sacrament Church in Los Angeles for our final project of the year,
“The Feed The Hungry Project”.

WIN is truly grateful to all of our sponsors, donors, and benefactors
for the overwhelming donations we have received which enable the
corporation to continually help others.

The WIN leadership decided to forego the annual holiday party and instead
decided to feed the hungry and unhoused people in the community.

The hot meal (chicken adobo, steamed rice, bokchoy in garlic sauce)
was prepared by our resident chef, Board member Derrick Anido and
the project was spearheaded by Board member, Jiggs Ibarrola.
The Feed The Hungry project was a fitting closure for 2023 capped
by a simple Thanksgiving mass in the beautiful and ornate Blessed
Sacrament Church.

To be able to share what we have, was truly a WINderful,
touching & humbling experience. 🙏💚🎄❤️

Dulce Ann D. Caludac


Charity Ball 2023

The Official Photo Gallery of the

Waraynon Initiative Network’s 10th Anniversary Charity Ball

held at the Pasadena Masonic Temple Hall

in Pasadena, California

August 26, 2023.

“A Decade of Arts, Culture and Community Service.”

Thank you so much Marc M. Pijuan for a great capture of the super successful event!


BIG THANKS to all our sponsors, donors and benefactors…

thank you for sharing your time, talent and treasure with us.

You are the reason, the 10th Year Charity Ball was an “astoundingly huge success”!!

❤️ The WIN Board, 2023-2024

WIN Charity Ball Tickets SOLD OUT

Thank you for your overwhelming support.

We have sold out all seats.

See you guys tomorrow.

We promise you a night to remember!

WIN Board