Vector Illustrator, be able to scale to any size without loss resolution.

Vector Illustrator, be able to scale to any size without loss resolution.

Before the summer ends, let’s enjoy the sea, the sand, the shore, and the WINd.

Hello WINners!! The PICNIC is just around the corner, only 6 days away!

And guess what, it is going to be WIN’s 2nd year anniversary!

So, it will add more fun and meaning to this event. Have a great week ahead!




WIN was approved as a nonprofit public benefit corporation by the Secretary of State,

State of California on Aug 29, 2013.





On August 29, 2013, the Waraynon Initiative Network (WIN) was formed as a non-profit public benefit corporation in the State of California.

Waraynon Initiative Network aims to preserve and promote Philippine heritage through the arts.
1. To engage in projects and collaborate with other organizations to preserve and promote the Philippine heritage.
2. Develop, train,  enhance artistic talents.
3. Mentor potential artists who can individually promote the objectives of the organization.
4. Encourage participation and involvement in the various activities of the organization.


In November 2013, when super typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan destroyed Tacloban City and the towns of Leyte, Samar and Biliran provinces; WIN focused its fundraising efforts to help with the recovery and re-building of these devastated communities. The organization sent immediate relief by sending several boxes of clothing, toys, non-perishable goods to the typhoon victims in two major parishes in Tacloban City.


In the aftermath of the devastating tropical storm Ruby/Hagupit which lashed its fury on Eastern Samar last December 2014, WIN sent relief clothing to typhoon victims and survivors in Dolores, Eastern Samar, Philippines through a local parish-based organization, Couples in Christ.


Last June 2015, WIN donated $4,000 to the Leyte Kalipayan Dance Company (LKDC) in Tacloban City. Its members suffered massive property damage and loss of music instruments, costumes and props caused by super typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan.

At the moment, WIN has an ongoing fishing boat project in Samar and is in the selection stage of beneficiaries for a few more sustainable livelihood projects to benefit Yolanda/Haiyan survivors.

Twenty-two months after its founding and incorporation, on June 30, 2015, WIN was granted recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. WIN is a non-profit public benefit corporation and an exempt public charity organization.

Today, WIN has a 26-member orchestra, an 18-member chorale, 8 ethnic dancers. WIN had a successful benefit concert last July 2014. The concert proceeds comprise a big sum of the organization’s Yolanda/Haiyan Fund. WIN hopes to replicate the debut concert’s success in its second concert production on July 25, 2015. WIN would like to advance the organization’s objective of preserving the Philippine heritage through music, to showcase the musical talents of its orchestra, chorale and performing groups, and to collaborate with schools and communities to promote Philippine culture through music and the arts. With your generous donations, we are able to realize our vision, mission and goals and channel our talents to help others.

To our Benefactors, Ever Thankful for your Support

To our benefactors:


Truly, we appreciate your support. However, we have received checks made to WIN, which is not our doing-business-as (dba) name. Checks issued to WIN might not be entered into our bank account or could cause future problems.

Our business name is Waraynon Initiative Network. Therefore, we would like to ask you that checks always be made payable to: Waraynon Initiative Network.


Ever thankful for your support.

One More Day before the Ray of Light

Lamrag: Ray of Light is this Saturday, July 25th, 2015

We present to you the WIN Cast Members

General Assembly and Board Election

WIN held it’s General Assembly and Board Election last June 27, 2015. And in gratitude to the many blessings and achievements in its short existence, the WIN membership paid homage to Senor Sto Nino de Tacloban, Patron of Leyte with a Eucharistic celebration and dinner reception.

WIN would also like to welcome its NEW members (list to be published soon) and thank them for their trust and support.
Thank you to the WIN leadership, the membership and its guests for making the event a successful and memorable one!

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Among the highlights of this event was the turnover of the $4,000 donation to the Leyte Kalipayan Dance Company (LKDC) in Tacloban, also a non-profit organization whose mission, vision and goals are complementary to those of WIN. More importantly, LKDC and its members suffered massive property damage and loss during super typhoon Yolanda. WIN is very grateful to its benefactors and donors for this opportunity to help LKDC’s rehabilitation efforts. The assembly had a double treat of delightful renditions from its distinguished musicians.The popular song, Spain, was rendered by Germaine and Yu-ting on violin, Khris and Vince on guitar, Melvin on the piano; then Germaine, Yu-ting, Khris (on piano), Vince and Ian on guitar and Dylan on bass guitar played “All of me”.