Cheers to the New Year!!!
Merry Christmas To All!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Yolanda – Second Year Anniversary
“To pay homage to the thousands of named and unnamed men, women and children who perished in the fury of Yolanda, and to honor and inspire the families they left behind, families who continue to struggle daily to get back on their feet…”
It has been two years since Super Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines. Two years since the world witnessed its destruction and chaos. It is a blessing to know that since that time, many have been able to rebuild and reassemble their lives. During my visit to Tacloban this past January for the Papal visit, I noticed several areas rebuilt and new businesses set up in the downtown area. It was a comfort to see a sense of normalcy had returned, though there is still much work to be done.
Last year, WIN held our debut concert in benefit of those affected by Typhoon Yolanda. This year, we were able to begin setting partnerships and plans into motion, using the proceeds from our first concert, Ha Imo La, as well as our second summer concert, Lamrag. Some examples of our efforts to help in Leyte include funding motorboats to assist fishermen with their livelihood, donating to the Leyte Kalipayan Dance Company in order to replace their costumes and equipment ruined by the typhoon, and surveying other organizations we can help out in the future. This has all been made possible so far with the constant support and generosity of those who continually believe in our organization and mission to serve others through the performing arts. I ask that you take a moment to remember those who have gone before us, to express a moment of gratitude for the recovery that has happened over two years, and to help us do what we can to create a brighter and better future for those who will no doubt feel the aftermath of Typhoon Yolanda for years to come. In the words of Pope Francis during his homily at the Papal Mass in Tacloban, “…with the power that comes from Jesus’ love on the cross, let us move forward, always forward, and walk together as brothers and sisters in the Lord.”
– Lori Bañez-Vergara, Chairman of the Board
WINter Party 2015
An update from the fishing boat grant beneficiaries.
Date: October 19, 2015WIN Youth volunteered on their own time and performed with Asian-American artists AJ Rafael and Lana McKissack at their Disney Tribute Concert!
Last September 27th, some of our own volunteered on their own time
and performed with Asian-American artists AJ Rafael and Lana McKissack
at their Disney Tribute Concert!
The string ensemble added an exciting element to the show,
and many people were interested in learning more about the orchestra
that they play for following the concert.
Go WIN Youth, and keep doing what you love!
Photo Credit: Albert Chang
Video Credit: Maxinne Vergara
Video Credit: Maxinne Vergara
Celebrated WIN’s 2nd Year Anniversary at the beach
August 29, 2015 – After a successful Ray of Light summer concert of musical strings & woodWINds, it was time to enjoy the sun’s rays, tie the strings for the picnic tents & volleyball net and unWINd at the beach. Here’s a gallery of images as the WINsome ladies and gentlemen celebrated the last days of summer and WIN’s 2nd Anniversary as a nonprofit public benefit corporation approved by the Secretary of State, State of California.
Photo credits: Tanny Saño, WIN President
WIN awarded a fishing boat grant to four (4) fishermen who are survivors of typhoons Yolanda and Ruby.
During a recent trip of WIN Corporate Treasurer, Peter Caludac, to Tacloban; one of WIN’s projects became a reality.
WIN awarded a fishing boat grant to four (4) fishermen who are survivors of typhoons Yolanda and Ruby. The grant beneficiaries were identified through WIN’s conduit organization – Couples for Christ of Dolores, Eastern Samar, .
The grant money of PhP 89,200 will fund the building of a motorized fishing boat & other incidental expenses. The boat will be used by the beneficiaries to fish for their own food and for their livelihood as fishermen.
The beneficiaries are Dexter Bertumin, Gerry Quiloña, Juriel Grafil and Mariel Batula (the only one who could make it to the grant turn-over).
We wish these fishermen the best of luck in rebuilding their lives. We trust that the assistance received from WIN will enable them to carry out this sustainable means of livelihood.