Happy Thanksgiving Day!
WIN and FASO collaborate: A posthumous tribute to Maestro Melvin Corpin at FASO@10 at the Alex Theatre on Nov 3, 2018.
August 18, 2018 – Happy 5th anniversary WINners
Repertoire: KALIPAYAN Show ~ a collaboration of LKDC and WIN; Bristol Civic Auditorium, Bellflower CA, August 4, 2018
Repertoire: KALIPAYAN Show ~ a collaboration of LKDC and WIN; Bristol Civic Auditorium, Bellflower CA, August 4, 2018
Waraynon Initiative Network (WIN) jointly with the Leyte Kalipayan Dance Company (LKDC) would like to express its sincere gratitude to the major sponsors, donors, and the general audience for their unwavering support of the KALIPAYAN (Happiness) collaborative benefit show. Special mention to those who bought tickets and donated to support WIN and LKDC despite knowing that their circumstance and/or distance would not allow their physical presence at the show.
We thrive because of you all!
Damo Nga Salamat•Maraming Salamat•Thank You
Photos Provided by Amabel Arias Margallo,Derrick Anido, Dulce Ann D. Caludac, Neil Colinayo, Tanny Sano and Marc M. Pijuan