among other things, to help develop sustainable livelihood skills for the local communities
in Region 8 in the Philippines.
Five years later, after careful, thoughtful and strategic project planning,
Waraynon Initiative Network (WIN) is ready and excited to launch
“the breadWINner project” in July, 2019.
“give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and
you feed him for a lifetime. “ – Lao Tzu
In collaboration with the Rotary Club of Kandaya -Tacloban,
Philippine Chamber of Commerce & Industry- Leyte-Tacloban Inc.,
ACLC College, Petron Gasul (Carbert Marketing – Tacloban) and the An Waray Party-List, we will fulfill our promise to empower the local communities with sustainable livelihood skills.
Project Director and WIN’s Corporate Auditor, Derrick Anido, has gathered a team of culinary professionals (Manly Bayona, Richiel Marie Mendoza Canares, Sherry Go and Angie Arinto Pariña) who have volunteered to go beyond the kitchen and offer their expertise to train a group of pre-screened participants during a FREE 9-day basic culinary skills training program.
At the culmination of the training, the participants will present a showcase of their work to local restaurateurs through the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry –
Tacloban who could potentially employ them on the spot.
We are extremely grateful to our project partners – ACLC College -Tacloban,
An Waray Party-List, Petron-Gasul (Carbert Marketing – Tacloban),
Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Tacloban and the Rotary Club of Kandaya;
and of course to the chef trainors for this collaborative venture.
Poster credit: Maxinne B. Vergara