In collaboration with the Senior Ministry of the Cathedral Chapel of St. Vibiana (CCSV) and its Pastor, Rev. Truc Nguyen, WARAYNON INITIATIVE NETWORK (WIN) delivers lunch packs to 45 seniors of the parish community to create some semblance of continuity during the stay-at-home directives.
These are senior parishioners who have little or no family support who are usually picked-up and gathered at the parish hall once a month for a Senior Luncheon sponsored by the CCSV Senior Ministry, then brought back home by CCSV volunteers.
The Luncheon Outreach was initially planned for Mother’s Day, but since the seniors’ lunch happens on a Tuesday, what better way to do it today than last Sunday.
Food was from a local restobar, MET HIM AT THE BAR. Thank you to the owners, Vincent and Mindy Kinne, for providing a generous pasta entree portion of linguine alfredo with chicken and a chocolate chip cookie for dessert.
Most of all, thank you from the WIN family for this charitable partnership, for your care and service beyond your business margin. Big thanks to the WIN volunteers and the Delivery Teams – Rev Fr Truc Nguyen Gines and Tess Uy Jiggs and Gina Ibarrola Nancy Sheehan and DoryAnn Lagman Victor and Ryan Benedicto (father and son).
The luncheon outreach won the hearts of the seniors with a smile, a feeling of joy and a happy tummy. Will do it gladly one more time next month! WIN would also like to acknowledge the little surprise of a pen placed in each lunch bag given by Gina Girlie (Gina Ibarrola of Blessed Living LLC/Keller Williams Realtor Larchmont).
This WINDERFUL act was made possible by the amazing leadership of Board Member, JIGGS IBARROLA, VP for Ensemble and Training Development, GINES UY and WIN members, Gina Ibarrola and Tetet Uy.