Article by: Dulce Caludac Corporate Secretary
On behalf of Waraynon Initiative Network (WIN), I had the humbling experience and fulfilling opportunity to handover the $500 check donation to Mary’s Kitchen, an all volunteer organization who has been serving the less fortunate of Orange County since 1984, serving an average of 180 needy and homeless people daily Mon- Sat, year round, rain or shine. They come from all around, and gratefully receive a light breakfast, a hot meal at noon and a sack dinner to take along as they leave. Nowadays due to the pandemic, the meals are no longer served as sit-down meals.
All the meals are sacked and distributed with lunch and dinner packs given during the lunch hour. Through Mary’s foresight and God’s grace and the generous support of many donors and unpaid volunteers, no one is turned away and no one leaves hungry. Mary’s Kitchen also provides clothing and free daily showers to the homeless and the needy. They also share their food donations with parish churches and with Triangle Terrace in Orange, CA, housing 2000+ seniors (who are room-confined due to the pandemic) and individuals with physical and mental disabilities. The donation is not much, however, WIN hopes it will make a difference to the community in fighting hunger and enhancing the quality of life and keeping dignity
alive for everyone who comes to Mary’s Kitchen for help, especially during this time of the coronavirus.
About Mary’s Kitchen
Mary’s Kitchen is a volunteer organization whose aim is to provide compassionate care for the less fortunate of Orange County, California. All services are conducted in a manner, which preserves dignity. This is why those who we assist are considered our guest. We are non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization. 100% of monetary donations received go directly to maintain the services provided for our guests.
Mary Mcanena, Founder of Mary’s Kitchen started feeding the hungry and homeless at the age of 81 by making chicken soup and hauling it to Hart Park in Orange. As her feeding grew, she moved to a city lot at 517 W. Struck St. She worked from a kitchen in a modular “trailer,” with picnic tables, freezers, storage buildings, showers and laundry facilities.
Mary passed away in 2003. Her successors carry on her well-earned legacy – now a 501c3 charity.
Her bestfriend Gloria Seuss is the current CEO/President of Mary’s Kitchen.