WARAYNON INITIATIVE NETWORK proudly presents HALAD (Offering) on July 23, 2016 at the Barnsdall Gallery Theatre featuring the versatile TESS AGNER, M.D..

“Born to a family of musicians… Music runs in her veins and has been a unifying factor in their family. Currently working as a physician in Orange County with special focus on the elderly the last 15 years, Tess’s primary interests are literature, a bit of politics, fashion, and music of course. Her second love is gardening.

Tess is the current President of WIN and HALAD’s concert manager. One of her dreams is to bring the vision of WIN to the entire world and develop the potential of the WIN youth to the fullest!

At this year’s concert, she will be one of the soloists and will also be singing with the chorale and the performing group.”


