The Mask Initiative launched by Waraynon Initiative Network (WIN) as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic has concluded. KN95 masks, reusable breathing armors and surgical masks with a combined total of about 850 pieces were donated and distributed to almost 2 dozen hospitals, nursing care facilities and healthcare clinics in California, Nevada and Texas.
About 50 breathing armors were donated by WIN Board Member Jason Colasito and distributed primarily to WIN members who are frontliners and their families to safeguard each other from the virus. The Care meals project for the healthcare and USPS frontliners has also come to a close. 500 lunch packs was provided to the healthcare heroes at the EVRMC hospital in Tacloban City, Philippines last May 12-13, 2020.
To support the drive against hunger during this global crisis, a $500 donation was made to the food bank managed by Isaiah’s Rock in Chino, CA.What’s next? -The Lunch Packs for the seniors of the Cathedral Chapel of St. Vibiana in Los Angeles was provided last May 12, 2020. Another lunch sponsorship will be done on June 23, 2020. WIN is in the last stage of its due diligence efforts, and as soon as it is completed, a donation to the food bank of Mary’s Kitchen in Orange, CA will be made. ——
We are very thankful to our donors and supporters for giving us help and enabling us to thrive and help so many in our infancy years. Imagine a world with a cure & treatment for COVID-19.
We hope for what we can only imagine!