Article by: Dulce Caludac Corporate Secretary
Last June, 23rd in collaboration with the Senior Ministry of the Cathedral Chapel of St. Vibiana (CCSV) and its Pastor, Rev. Truc Nguyen, WARAYNON INITIATIVE NETWORK (WIN) delivers lunch packs to 45 seniors of the parish community to create some semblance of continuity during the stay-at-home directives .
These are senior parishioners who have little or no family support who are usually picked up and brought to the parish hall and driven back home by CCSV volunteers once a month for a Senior Luncheon sponsored by the CCSV Senior Ministry.
Lunch was made by Met Him at a Bar,a restobar in Los Angeles located near the church- Gemelli all’amatriciana (made with in-house Gemelli pasta, pancetta, and pink amatriciana sauce) with a famous Amos chocolate cookie and bottled water.
Thank you to the owners, Vincent and Mindy Kinne, for working with WIN to make this happen! In keeping with the times, a pandemic care kit containing wet wipes and hand sanitizer was provided.
Thank you Gina G. Ibarrola, Realtor at Blessed Living for the generous donation of the care kits.
Gina Girlie
Big thanks to the following volunteers/Delivery team:
Dory Ann Lagman
Nancy and Mike Sheehan (Nancy Galicia Sheehan, Mike Sheehan)
Victor and Ryan Benedicto
Rev Fr Truc Nguyen
Gina and Jiggs Ibarrola
Gines Uy
This WINDERFUL act was made possible by the amazing leadership of Board Member, JIGGS IBARROLA, and GINES UY, VP for Ensemble and Training Development, and WIN member, Gina Ibarrola.

More photos from the Waraynon Initiative Network (WIN) – sponsored Luncheon Outreachfor the senior parishioners of Cathedral Chapel of St Vibiana in Los Angeles.